Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Halfway There - 20 Weeks!

We feel like it was just yesterday that we were sharing our exciting news with you all. And now the adventure is half over! 

Just after Thanksgiving, we had an ultrasound at UNC Hospital. Our little one was measuring right on track with a "strong," 144bpm heartbeat. We were perfectly happy seeing the 10 wiggling fingers and toes but glad they covered all the medical bases, too.

The most interesting part of the visit is that baby decided to stay curled up in a ball, with its head down for the entire scan. It was not interested in being disturbed and put up a little show when we tried (kicking and flailing its arms). Shannon moved around, tried coaxing it - nothing. Stubborn little thing was not moving. To prevent us from staying for further testing, Carl decided to put his hand on the belly and move it all around and voila, the baby moved out of the position. Though it apparently has a preference for daddy, we appreciate that it inherited both parent's ability to stay curled up and sleeping for long periods of time.

Here's to 20 more happy and healthy weeks ahead... 


Alexis Rollins Dunton said...

Gah look at you! Beautiful Mama!

curtis. said...

luckiest baby in the world :D

Britt said...

I love that I can scroll from bottom to the top and see that little baby growing.

You look gorgeous! So excited for you two!