Monday, June 22, 2009


We sent out our invitations about 2 weeks ago, followed by the RSVP email (from If you haven't received your invitation or RSVP, please let me know. Email me at:

critchie84 at gmail dot com

Thursday and Friday activities

And by activities, I mean food.

For those of you that will be in Asheville on Thursday and/or Friday, here's a quick run down of some planned get togethers for our guests:

-Thursday evening, our families will be putting on a casual BBQ out of our parents' villas at the Crowne Plaza for all of you that are able to make it! We'd love for anybody driving, if able, to throw in a lawn-chair or two so we can spread out comfortably.

-Friday morning, Jerry Leeman will be serving his famous (or is it infamous?) biscuit and gravy breakfast, from their villa, for everybody.

Free food can't hurt, right??


Attention golfers: I've made a block of tee times on Saturday, August 8th between 8 and 9am at the Crowne Plaza course. It will be 9 holes and cost around $30. If you plan to golf, please email me to make sure we have enough spots for everybody:

critchie84 at gmail dot com